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Joke du Jour Subscribers Talk!
Sparks & Barks 2000-2004!


People busts

Dear Ladyhawke, I appreciate your daily jokes. I believe that a little humor goes a long way. I aso receive a daily joke from another 'decent' site and though there are times when some jokes are repeated I feel that I am ahead nine days out of ten. Thank you for your generous service, time, and humour. Yours, Jon

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i love the jdj ......
every single day i love it
i love the jewish jokes ....
the sex jokes ...
the inspirational stories ......
i love ladyhawke !!!!!!
(always a lady in my mind ! )
dont stop sending me your sexy jokes .....or your ethnic ones ...
or your stories !

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Ahh, thank you!  You've made my day.

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Thank for your E-mails, it brings a lot of relief in this streesed out world, thank YOU!!! love, Mary

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Please tell me that you're an idiot and you failed miserably!

Sorry to disappoint you but 150,000+ people worldwide seem to think otherwise...    As far as being an idiot....  Hmmm... shall I mention that I'm a member of Mensa?       

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You are something. I can't tell you how much you make my day with your humor. Please ignore all those ignorant fools that do not have a sense of humor. You have me rolling on the floor all of the time. In today's stressed world, we need more ladyhawks - keep up the great work!!!!! Kriss

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Dear LadyHawk, I can't speak for the rest of your subscribers, but personally I love your sense of humor and the fact that you send with a moral code and with respect for G-d. I forward your jokes and even some of your insights to my friends and I don't even have to edit yours for content. I leave your name intact on the forwards and have commented to my friends that "Now here is a lady with style". Thank you for the pleasant smile and laugh each day that come with your mailings and it's my pleasure to now subscribe to all three of your mailings. Keep up the Great work... Anni

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Hi, I've been receiving and enjoying your jokes for quite a while now, but I have to tell you that your little comments right before the jokes are sometimes just AS funny or even FUNNIER than the jokes themselves. :) So actually, I don't know what I look more forward to anymore... your comments or your jokes. :) Thanks for all the great jokes, and the wonderful comments too. :) Take care, Dania

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Today July 11th, "joke du jour" was not very funny, sounds a little to inspirational, as nice "e" nice as that is, it still found no humor. It is JokeduJour, where is the joke. If I wanted inspiring, why would I sign up with you.

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That's because inspirational stories are an integrated part of Joke du Jour, published on Sundays.  If you don't like them, feel free to delete them without reading.  They are clearly marked.

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The Rainbow Bridge is such a heart warming poem and makes one hope that their beloved pet will be safe and happy until we meet again. I have a copy of it framed and hanging on my wall. Thanks for the wonderful job you do. You bring a smile to numerous people daily and you touch them with the inspiring stories/poems/etc. that you send out. G~d bless. Elttaesdreams

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Dear Ladyhawke~ I read your note about getting nasty letters, and I quite agree with you. I don't believe in general censorship beyond that which we impose upon ourselves and in child-rearing. Thanks for providing me with wit, humor, satire, thought, proverb and even little "nasties" now and then! There are times when I couldn't find a smile all day until I opened your jokedujour. Thanks again. May the grace of G-d smile always upon you and your efforts to make people laugh, think, and be happy. Always your friend at heart, ~Violetfire!~ ;

kissing lips

Thank you, ol' friend!

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I applaud your resolve not to use foul language. I used to be the "typical" foul-mouthed college big man. One evening, while waiting for a rehearsal, I noticed that someone had written on the board: "Cursing is the small mind's only way of expressing itself." That did it. Good humor needn't be foul languaged. (Jack Benny and Bill Cosby are two examples that come to mind). I look forward to my chuckle every day. Thanks

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I'm very impressed with your comments with the jokes I receive from you. Thank you. DSH

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I am unsubscribing to your list to the amount of religious humor you have on your list. I am not an antisemite. I find all religious humor offensive. I am not a Christian, Jew or Muslim. I have my own set of spiritual values. You have good jokes for the most part, but you are pushing your own views on people who could care less about any religion. Richard


If you have a problem with religious humor, I suggest you take it up with a counselor.....  or a member of the clergy.  I have quite a number of them on my list.  Perhaps, I can recommend you someone.  :)

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Dear LadyHawk, I will not take a lot of your time...I just wanted you to know I appreciated Sunday's inspirational piece and Mondays equally inspirational though racier offering...Keep up the good work most always your daily jokes bring hugh smiles to my countenance...I happen to be a born again christian and baptist minister...and feel sexuality was one of the creator's greatest inventions to be enjoyed to its fullest....far too many of my colleagues are to uptight about all this and really need to get laid! Daryl


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LadyHawke, I have been enjoying your jokes for years. I cannot believe the nerve of people... to complain about something you spend your valuable time doing, and they get for free! May I commend you for trying to please all of the people all of the time...oye vey! Thank you for your effort! Sincerely, Avis

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the jokes and things you send out are a big part of my day,(with a 6 year old and 2 year old twins ) i need all the laughs i can get.. i sure hope that there is someone out there that comes to your rescue... THANKS FOR ALL THE LAUGHS..... SHERRIE A VERY BUSY MOMMY...WHO COUNTS ON THE JOKES TO GET ME THROUGH SOME TOUGH DAYS.:O)

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Please keep up the good work,you sure help to make my day a lot happier.I do so envy your abilities. Thanks, terinan

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I really think that the joke the jokes labeled French maid dated Sept 23 is in poor taste. This is not the type of humor that follow your quoted belief systems. I did not think that you would actually find adultery and sexual innuendoes humorous.

kissing lips

You're joking, right?  Sexual innuendoes have been the essense of Joke du Jour from the beginning of times.  They are currently residing in Funny Sex du Jour.

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Hi, You can't make everyone happy so if some people don't like your jokes they can always unsubscribe. There are plenty of other joke sites out there. I don't like really dirty jokes but I can always delete them if they're too bad. I have also had to unsubscribe to some of the joke sites but didn't write to complain. Good grief it's a free country & if you don't like something, don't look at it. Keep up your good work & if at some time or another it gets too much for me I'll unsubscribe. CJ

That's the spirit, CJ!

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LadyHawke - Loved today's offering! Had my children wondering what I was laughing so hard about! Enjoying your gift each day. Thank you! Warmly, Sheila aka Mamadanz

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is the best to date. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your'e-mail. It brightens each day except of course the days I either don't get or read it, in which case I get twice the fun out of it when I do. DORI

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your jokes SUCK!!! and i wish u would remove me from your list once and for all--but these are absolutely the LAMEST AND SUCKIEST jokes i've ever had the displeasure of wasting my time on--oh by hte way another person who signed up also thought THEY BITE!!!! 


Have you heard of *divine* power given to you by the 'delete' button?

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Good Morning, Lady Hawke. I read Joke du Jour, and had to reply. 'NOW THAT'S FUNNY! There's a quote out there which states "Those who bring sunshine to others, cannot keep it from themselves". So today I say "You bring me sunshine" Thanks!. Let's do lunch somewhere some day. Octavia

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I think it goes like this, An apple a day keeps the Doctor away, but a joke a day keeps the Doctor in stitches. ;-) By the way, keep up the good work! I love your jokes. Will Jones

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I want to tell you that I enjoy the daily E-mail you send me very much. Today I had a few minutes to spare and decided to visit your web site, to get to know you a little more. I am impressed by your "fun page". I feel it says so much about you as a person, clever, talented, impecable taste, and if you're the lady blowing a kiss, and the drawing is a self portrait I must add beautiful. Thank you for adding sunshine to my life. Shalom, W0UST

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Later...... Nonviolence is good, as long as it works.

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I find your 'nonviolent' signature contradictory to your bigotry hatred.

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I have been a subscriber to your list for quite a while. One of the the things I enjoy most is your insight into Jewish religion and culture. If everyone would just take a moment to get to know someone different or to explain their own beliefs, perhaps we could begin to enjoy TRUE diversity. Everyone's heritage should be celebrated, not feared or ridiculed. I appreciate the fact that you laugh with people, not at them. Happy Rosh HaShannah! May your new year be blessed. Sharon

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Dear Lady Hawke, Hello my friend...The end of Classic is near for all of us and I don't know if I'll ever hear from you after Oct 1st. So before Classic folds, I wanted to take the opportunity to "Thank You" so very much for letting me be on your mailing list. For 4 years I have been online, I have received your mail everyday and enjoyed each and every email you've sent me. It's been a REAL pleasure. Again, "Thank You' so very much and I will miss you!!!!!! Take care and May G-d Bless, my friend. Love Donna/Skypage

I hope you'll get another ISP and will enjoy JdJ for many more years to come...

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Dear LadyHawke: I am so glad I started receiving your "Jokes " and words of wisdom. Iam also glad that you don't do jokes stickily. Sometimes your helpful little hints on life are all I need. Keep them coming.Dan:o)>

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Hey if you dont quit sending me crap like this I am going to find you and kill you!!!!! Leeana Haynes,

boxing gloves

Temper, tempter!  Have you heard that murder is illegal?

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You're joke lists are AMAZING!!! I just read the bit you put out about not being able to please anyone, and I just wanted to let you know that I have VERY happy with this list...Granted, mistakes are human, but you show your humanity by knowing how to balance humor and seriousness all in one list...Thank you for bringing a smile to my face with ALL (racy or not) your jokes, and thank you for touching my heart with your insp stories and poems...You do please MANY people...I am one of them and I just wanted to say thanks...Bry

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Dearest LadyHawke, Oh my ... oh my ... oh my!!!! I just have to tell you ... I didn't see it coming. That punch line hit me like a warm bucket of jiggling jello and I'm still roaring with laughter. In fact ... ROTFLMFoolHeadOff. I do enjoy your Joke du Jour so much, but I just had to tell you that today you outdid yourself. Bless you for taking the time and effort to bring so much sunshine and warm feelings into so many lives in so many countries around the world. I will never meet you, but you dwell in my heart and mind and I will know you always. Love 'n hugs to a lovely Lady,Gerry

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I am really enjoying the daily letters and funnies you publish as Ladyhawk. Your inspirational message is really needed as I'm not working right now and ambored. Keep the cards and letters coming. REDH48

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Just wanted to say thank you for a great piece. I'm a psychotherapist who works with combat/violence related folks in and out of jail... copies will be made and passed to each. Good stuff! -csmrjn

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Hi Ladyhawke! I adore your sendings!! I had cancer last year and all throughout my recovery I looked forward to all your sendings and have introduced many of my friends to it! Thank you so much for all you bring so much joy to everyone! Thanks for all your humor and keep them coming! You are wonderful! Jessica Rose

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